What is SDLC? And the process of SDLC

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What is SDLC

SDLC means the Software Development Life Cycle. The software development life cycle is a framework that defines the step by step process in the development of each phase. The complete development process is involved in this framework. Like the design, planning, developing, testing, deploying.

Process of SDLC:

Here is the process of the software development life cycle

  1. Gathering of requirements and analysis.
  2. Design.
  3. Coding or implementation.
  4. Testing.
  5. Deployment.
  6. Maintenance.

1. Gathering of requirements and analysis

To develop the application, all the relevant information should be gathered from the customer to get the expected output. To develop an application the core understanding or knowledge of the application is very important. So the project manager and business analyst sit together with the customer who wants the application. In this meeting, they gather information like to know the purpose of the profit, who will be the end-user, etc. Once all these requirement gatherings are done then analysis comes into the picture. The analysis is done to know the feasibility of the development of the product. To know that with the available resource can this project be handled or not. Such types of decisions will be taken at this phase. If there is any uncertainty a call is set up for further future discussion. Once the requirement is clearly understood, a software requirement specification document is prepared.

This document is observed from top to bottom by the developer and also by the customer for any future reference.

2. Design

The architecture that is used for implementing system development is derived. By taking the software requirement specification document as an input.

3. Coding or Implementation

All the components of the software implemented in this phase. Once the developer gets the design document coding or implementation will be started.

4. Testing

Once the development is done testing phases will start. In this phase, the tester will test the application that it is working as per the customer expectation. Tester refers to the software requirement specification(SRM) document to make sure that the application is according to customer expectations. If any defects are present then the tester assigns those defects to the developer to fix it. Until the point at which the software is as per the customer’s expectation retesting, regression testing won’t take place.

5. Deployment

Once the development and testing are performed completely that means zero bugs. Then the product is deployed into the production environment. or User acceptance testing may be done based on customer interest. In the case, if user acceptance testing (UAT) the customer and developer perform testing. If the customer is pleased with the application then sign off is provided by the customer to go live.

6. Maintenance

Once the product is deployed on the production environment maintenance of the product is taken care of by the developers. That means if any issues arise and need to be fixed or any enhancement is to be done is taken care of by the developers.

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