7 Points For Mobile App Development And Checklist

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Few points to remember before developing a mobile app and testing checklist:

  • The platforms for mobile applications.
  • Screen resolution.
  • Landscape orientation or portrait.
  • GPS functionality and accelerometer.
  • Network issues.
  • Web app updates plus test mobile.
  • Security of mobile application.

The platforms for mobile applications

To develop the mobile application ios and android are the preferred platforms. However, the developing world uses Symbian phones. It’s good to know upfront which platforms are expected to be supported. So that it will help to make crucial decisions regarding architecture/design. And it also provides an idea of whether to develop a completely native application or use a framework like PhoneGap. The most famous platforms are listed below:

  • Android.
  • ios.
  • Blackberry.
  • Symbian.
  • Windows mobile.

Screen Resolution

Screen resolution is also an important factor to be considered. At present smartphones and tablets are in different shapes. So make sure that the application looks good on the targeted screen.

Landscape orientation or portrait

Some game applications work only in landscape mode and some applications work only in portrait mode. And some game applications work on both types of modes. Make sure that the application works properly in both modes and while changing the mode ensure that the application is without any issues.

GPS functionality and accelerometer

If the mobile application is some medical-related that is for example labs and diagnostics then GPS plays a crucial role. Make sure that how the application responds when GPS is disabled and how it responds when enabled.And coming to an accelerometer, it is a meter which shows the movement or vibration of a body. If the application needs an accelerometer then make sure that it gives accurate readings. Example of the application which contains this accelerometer is jump trackers, 3d visualization, games and so on.

Network issues

There are different networks like 2G, 3G,4G, and WIFI. The application should be developed in such a way that it supports any type of network. Not all users contain WIFI some users may use 2G or some may use 4G. That means the application should be tested based on the real scenarios. And another important network issue arises when the user is traveling. At that time how the application is working with intermediate network speed? And how the application works at user location where there is no wifi. The application must be capable of handling all these situations.

Web app updates plus test mobile

If the mobile application contains web service or server-side components. If the scenario is any update is done on web services also reflect in the mobile application. If it is the case then ensure that it works properly to avoid any human error.

Security of mobile application

Data privacy is a very very important scenario. If the application is something like online payment example google pay. The user gets worried if the credentials are not secured. If the credentials are not secured then that application has no hope to see success mostly it is not even alive. So make sure that the application provides good security.

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